Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ugh, The Treadmill

My plan for running on Tuesday didn't quite work out like I had wanted it to.  We were going to run 13 miles outside after work which would have been the furthest we would have gone so far.  But the weather was horrible.  It was cold, windy, and raining!  We decided our best bet would be to go down to the Wellness Center and run on the treadmills.  I was nervous about going that far on the treadmill, because I have such a hard time staying on it.

We started running and we paced ourselves at a 10 minute mile and everything was good for the first hour.  After that I started to get impatient and felt like I had been running forever and still had another hour to go.  At about 7 miles I suggested to my friend who I run with that I was getting really bored and would be fine with being done around 10 miles.  She agreed with me.  For the last two miles we kept increasing our speed until we were up to 7.0, we just wanted to be done!

We finished and I felt good.  My legs were a little sore the next day but I think it was from sprinting the last 2 miles.  We still need to do 13 miles outside though before September 25th.  Next week we are going to have to do the full distance outside no matter what the weather is.

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