Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Post

So I've decided to start a blog about the two things I love most in life, my family and running!  I have 3 great kids, Alicia is in 3rd grade, Lauren is in Kindergarden and Russell is 18 months old.  It is a challenge to find enough time in a day to work full time, take care of 3 kids, and run.  Thankfully my Mom helps me out a lot by picking the kids up when she gets off work, so I can do a long run on those days.  I have signed up to do my first half-marathon on September 25th in Sault Ste. Marie, MI.  I am really excited and nervous to do it.  We have been working up to 13 miles, and today we are going to run the full 13 miles.  Even though I just started going longer distances I haven't been struggling to badly.  My times aren't the fastest, but I figure I can always work on that as I get stronger.

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog!!! It's really fun to get to see pics of the kids on their first day of school. I'm thinking of starting a blog too now....but I'm not sure...
